The crepes of wheat/ Sarrasin, an essential dessert, can be eaten in all sauces: chocolate, sugar, bananas, apples with Lambig, …
The history of the Breton crepes blends with the extraordinary fate of buckwheat. Native to Asia, this black wheat with pink flowers was probably brought back from the Crusades in the 12th century. Nicknamed “the plant of the hundred days.”
Finally, the most exclusive of the Breton crepes is certainly the lace crepe, made by Marie Catherine Cornic in 1866 in Quimper. Cooked on a slanted billig to ensure its finesse and wrapped around a knife, this crumbly specialty transforms the pancake into a real pastry. Once again, it is not the ingredient that makes the originality of a recipe,
but its symbolic charge, its rites, its presentation and its mode of consumption.